
October 9, 2021



Redesigned User Experience Enhancements

Extended redesigned list view, and other usability enhancements.

New Date Picker on Selected Views

Select a date or a date range easily with the new date picker on selected views.

Autoresume Interrupted Automatic Backup Service Over SFTP

Configure OpenAir to retry automatic backup transfers over SFTP if the connection is interrupted.

Changes to OpenAir Help Center

Access release notes and relevant documentation content in the Help Center from the Support page, NetSuite Connector health check and NetSuite Connector administration form.

Changes to Supported Currencies

Moldovan Lei (MDL) have been added to the list of supported currencies.



Changes to Attachment File Drag and Drop

Drag a folder to attach all the files contained in the folder and use bulk actions to delete all attachments at the same time.



Project Center Enhancements

View refreshed project schedule information at all times, set task and phase dependencies, and get a visual overview of your project schedule.

Project Schedule Calculation Based on Bookings

Set individual projects to use bookings instead of assignments for project schedule calculation.

Ability to Restrict Project Recalculation to Tasks Impacted by the Changes on the Project Outline, Gantt and Task Detail View

Improve the performance of the project outline, Gantt and task detail view by restricting project recalculation to tasks that are impacted by the changes.

Ability to Include the Project Internal ID in Project Notification Email

Include the project internal ID in the body of project notification email.



Ability to Restrict Utilization Recalculation to Resources Impacted by the Changes on the Advanced Booking Worksheet

Improve the performance of the advanced booking worksheet by restricting utilization recalculation to resources that are impacted by the changes.



Scripting Support for Running the NetSuite Integration for a Workflow Group

Run the NetSuite<>OpenAir integration for a specific group of integration workflows from your scheduled scripts.

Changes to OAuth 2.0 Token Validity

Extended refresh token validity range and access token validity dependency on session timeout.

Changes to OpenAir REST API

Read the list of projects, read a project, delete a receipt, or delete multiple expense attachments using the OpenAir REST API.

Ability to Read and Modify the Billing Rule Customer PO Cap Using OpenAir XML API and SOAP API

Read or modify the cap_by_customerpo field in the project_billing_rule table using OpenAir XML API and SOAP API.

Ability to Read and Modify the Billing Rule Project Task ID Using OpenAir XML API and SOAP API

Read or modify the project_task_id field in the project_billing_rule table using OpenAir XML API and SOAP API.


Business Intelligence Connector

Changes to Publishing Reports to OpenAir OData Service

Publish OpenAir reports for use with OpenAir User Scripting only or with OpenAir NetSuite Connector, and refresh your published reports automatically up to twice a day.


NetSuite Connector

Custom Export of OpenAir Reports to NetSuite

Send OpenAir report data to NetSuite and view your project metrics alongside other KPIs in NetSuite.

Custom Export Workflow Enhancements

Custom export workflows support advanced mappings and have a built-in autorecovery feature in case the export process is interrupted.

Changes to the Exported Record Autorecovery Feature

Prevent duplicate timesheet and time entry exports when the integration run is interrupted.

Real-Time Import Validation

Additional validation and a temporary record lock prevent the creation of duplicate records in OpenAir when importing a record from NetSuite to OpenAir using the real-time integration.

NetSuite Connector Settings History

View the history of integration configuration changes using the OpenAir NetSuite Connector Settings History page.

Changes to NetSuite Connector Health Check

Verify your integration configuration follows the latest recommendations and click each recommendation to learn more.

Changes to NetSuite Connector Administration Form

View online help for each NetSuite Connector administration setting.

SuiteTax Compatibility

Integration workflows exporting invoices and credit notes from OpenAir to NetSuite, and OpenAir expense reports as NetSuite vendor bills are compatible with SuiteTax.


System Integration

OpenAir Exchange Manager 5.2.0

A new version of OpenAir Exchange Manager is available.

OpenAir Integration Manager 6.5.2

A new version of OpenAir Integration Manager is available.

Coming Soon · OpenAir Mobile 4.0

The forthcoming version of OpenAir Mobile includes new functionality that optimizes the way you work with expenses.


Service Changes Impacting Infrastructure

Deprecation of www.openair.com Generic Domain for Integrations and Add-On Services

Usage of the generic domain www.openair.com for integrations and add-on services is deprecated and will be removed in the April 2023 OpenAir release.





Redesigned User Experience Enhancements

Extended redesigned list view, and other usability enhancements.

The following features are available if the Redesigned OpenAir User Experience feature is enabled for your account. To enable this feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.

This section also includes the following announcements:

New Redesigned List Views

The redesigned user experience list view layout and features is now available for the following list views:

Adaptive Screen Headers

Screen headers adjust to smaller screens to ensure that title, tab navigation, record information and utility icons are either visible or accessible.

OpenAir screen header on medium and small viewports.

OpenAir screen header on medium and small viewports.

Changes to the Project Record Header

If the Project Status News Feed feature is enabled for your account, you can click the Project status tag in the project record header to view the project status news feed.

Project record header in OpenAir

Project record header in OpenAir

Changes to Tab Navigation

Access page subtabs from the screen header multilevel tab navigation. This is currently available for the following administration global settings pages:

Tab navigation in the OpenAir Administration module.

Tab navigation in the OpenAir Administration module.

Changes to Default List View Column Layout

The columns in the system default list view configuration for most list views has been changed to optimize usability (information users need to see on list views) and performance (time to load the information in all columns). This change impacts only new users or users viewing a specific list view for the first time.

April 2022 Redesigned User Experience Rollout

We will  enable the redesigned user experience for all accounts in the April 2022 release. 

To prepare for the rollout :
  1. Read the OpenAir Redesigned User Experience Guide for a detailed description of changes.

  2. Test the redesigned OpenAir user experience on a sandbox account now. You will also be able to test or on your release preview account from October 9, 2021 to February 17, 2022. The release preview period is extended exceptionally to let you test the redesigned user experience extensively before the rollout.

  3. Report any issues to OpenAir Customer Support.

  4. Enable the Redesigned OpenAir User Experience on your production account before the April 2022 rollout.

New Date Picker on Selected Views

Select a date or a date range easily with the new date picker on selected views.

The new date picker is available on the following views:

New date picker on selected views in OpenAir

New date picker on selected views in OpenAir

Autoresume Interrupted Automatic Backup Service Over SFTP

Configure OpenAir to retry automatic backup transfers over SFTP if the connection is interrupted.

If the SFTP connection is interrupted, OpenAir will attempt to retry the scheduled automatic backup transfer twice. After the third unsuccessful attempt, an error is logged and a status notification email is sent to advise that the automatic backup was unsuccessful. The status notification email also indicates if the connection is interrupted but the automatic backup completes successfully on the second or third attempt.

To configure OpenAir to retry automatic backup transfers over SFTP if the connection is interrupted
  1. In OpenAir, go to Administration > Global settings > Automatic backup service.

  2. If you are setting up the Automatic Backup Service for the first time, or if you are changing the transfer method to SFTP, enter all required information and click Save. The following settings appear on the form, and are only available if you choose to send your data using SFTP.

  3. Check the Try to resume transfer when it fails box.

  4. (Optional) Enter the time interval (in seconds) between ABS transfer attempts in the Seconds between retry attempts text field. The interval can be between 5 seconds and 5 minutes. If left blank, the interval between transfer attempts will be 5s.

Note: The Automatic Backup Service is a licensed add-on and must be purchased separately. To enable the Automatic Backup Service feature, contact your OpenAir account manager or OpenAir Professional Services representative.

Changes to OpenAir Help Center

Access release notes and relevant documentation content in the Help Center from the Support page, NetSuite Connector health check and NetSuite Connector administration form.

The OpenAir Help Center feature is now enabled by default for all accounts. Account administrators can view the Help Center and control who can view the Help Center by role permission.

To access the OpenAir Help Center, click the User Center button, then Help Center. You can also access the Help Center from the following locations in OpenAir:

The OpenAir Help Center opens in a new browser window or tab and takes you directly to the relevant help topic.

Changes to Supported Currencies

Moldovan Lei (MDL) have been added to the list of supported currencies.

To view all supported currencies, go to Administration > Global Settings > Organization > Currencies.



Changes to Attachment File Drag and Drop

Drag a folder to attach all the files contained in the folder and use bulk actions to delete all attachments at the same time.

The Attachment Drag and Drop feature released in the April 2021 OpenAir release has been extended to support folders. To attach all the files in a folder, you can now drag the folder instead of selecting and dragging all files in the folder to attach them to your expense report or receipt.

The following actions are now available:

Bulk actions in attachment file drag and drop feature

Bulk actions in attachment file drag and drop feature

Note: To enable the Attachment File Drag and Drop feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.



Project Center Enhancements

View refreshed project schedule information at all times, set task and phase dependencies, and get a visual overview of your project schedule.

The following features are available if the Project Center Outline View and Project Center Booking Worksheet features are enabled for your account:

Note: To enable the Project Center features, contact OpenAir Customer Support.

For more information about the project center, see OpenAir Redesigned User Experience Guide.

Project Schedule Calculation

The project schedule is recalculated automatically after:

When you go to the project center or reload the project center page, OpenAir checks if any changes impacting the project schedule were made outside of the project center and triggers the project schedule calculation if needed.

All calculated Start dates and Finish dates in the project sequence are updated. Planned hours are also updated if the project schedule calculation is based on bookings.

Note: You can set individual projects to calculate the following information based on bookings instead of assignments:

For more information , see Project Schedule Calculation Based on Bookings.

When the calculation is in progress, information in the Start, Finish and Planned hours columns cannot be edited and loading spinners are visible in the column headers.

Task Drag And Drop Refreshes Hours Booked

Values in the Hours Booked column refresh automatically after you drag a task. It is no longer necessary to reload the page to view the updated number of hours booked at the task, phase and project level.

Setting Task and Phase Dependencies

The project center lets you view and set dependencies between predecessor and successor phases or tasks.

To set task and phase dependencies in the project center
  1. Locate the successor task. This is the task for which you want to control the start or finish date depending on related tasks or phases (predecessors).

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click the more icon More options icon in the Actions column, then click Edit predecessors.

    • Click the cell in the Predecessors column.

    The Predecessor settings popup window appears and shows any predecessors already set and a blank line, you can use to add a task or phase dependency.

    Predecessor settings popup window in the OpenAir Project Center view.

    Predecessor settings popup window in the OpenAir Project Center view.
  3. To add a task or phase dependency:

    1. Select the name of the Predecessor task or phase. This is a task or phase that controls the start or finish date of the task or phase you a re currently editing.

    2. Select the Type of the relationship. The following options are available.

      • Finish-to-Start — The finish date of the predecessor task or phase controls the start date of the successor task.

      • Start-to-Start — The start date of the predecessor task or phase controls the start date of the successor task.

      • Finish-to-Finish — The finish date of the predecessor task or phase controls the finish date of the successor task.

      • Start-to-Finish — The start date of the predecessor task or phase controls the finish date of the successor task.

    3. Enter the number of Lag days. This is the number of days you want to allow between the start or finish date of the successor task and the start or finish date of the predecessor. For example, If you define a Start-to Finish with 60 Lag days, the finish date of the successor task or phase should be 60 days after the start date of the predecessor task or phase.

    After you set the Predecessor, Type, and Lag days, a new blank line appears.

  4. To remove a dependency, click the delete icon Delete icon.

  5. Click Save to save your changes to the predecessor settings, or Cancel to discard your changes.

    The popup window closes and a confirmation message appears if you made any changes.

Simplified Gantt Chart

Horizontal bars in the booking worksheet give a visual representation of the duration of the project and that of each phase and task in the project. Each bar is located at the top of the row and is color-coded: green color for the project, dark gray color for each phase, light gray color for each task.

Project Center view with horizontal bars showing the time span for each task, phase and project.

Project Center view with horizontal bars showing the time span for each task, phase and project.

Project Schedule Calculation Based on Bookings

Set individual projects to use bookings instead of assignments for project schedule calculation.

If the project schedule calculation is based on bookings instead of assignments:

Important: Review the following guidelines:

To set a project to use bookings for project schedule calculation:
  1. Create the project_plan_based_on_bookings custom field.

    1. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Custom Fields.

    2. Click the Create button, then click New Custom field.

      A form appears.

    3. Select Project from the Add a custom field to dropdown list (under Global).

    4. Select Checkbox from the Type of field to add dropdown list.

    5. Click Continue.

      Another form appears.

    6. Enter the Field name — This must be exactly project_plan_based_on_bookings.

    7. Check the Active box.

    8. Enter a Display name — For example, Calculate project schedule based on bookings.

    9. Click Save.

  2. Go to Projects > Projects > [Select a project] > Properties.

  3. Check the Calculate project schedule based on bookings box.

  4. Click Save.

Ability to Restrict Project Recalculation to Tasks Impacted by the Changes on the Project Outline, Gantt and Task Detail View

Improve the performance of the project outline, Gantt and task detail view by restricting project recalculation to tasks that are impacted by the changes.

By default, when you create, duplicate, delete, or modify a task associated with the project you are viewing, or when you move or copy a task to another project, the project calculation includes all tasks associated with the project.

With this feature enabled, only the tasks that are impacted by the changes are include in the project calculation. For example, if you change the planned hours for a resource assigned to a particular task, the recalculation will include only the specific task and any successor tasks. None of the other tasks are included in the recalculation.

The optimization improves loading time for the following views after making changes or after running the project recalculation manually.

This optional feature can be used in combination with other project recalculation optimization features. For more information, see OpenAir Performance Tuning Guide.

Note: To enable this feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.

Ability to Include the Project Internal ID in Project Notification Email

Include the project internal ID in the body of project notification email.

To include the internal ID of the project in the body of the notification email, insert %%internalid%% in the Email body text box when creating or editing a project notification.

For more information about setting up project notifications, see OpenAir Admin Guide.



Ability to Restrict Utilization Recalculation to Resources Impacted by the Changes on the Advanced Booking Worksheet

Improve the performance of the advanced booking worksheet by restricting utilization recalculation to resources that are impacted by the changes.

By default, when you add, modify, or delete bookings using the advanced booking worksheet, the utilization is recalculated for all shown resources.

With this feature enabled, the utilization is recalculated only for the resources that are impacted by these changes. When you save the advanced booking worksheet, a label appears next to each impacted resource:

Calculation and changed status badges on the Advanced Booking Worksheet view in OpenAir.

Calculation and changed status badges on the Advanced Booking Worksheet view in OpenAir.

Note: To enable this feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.



Scripting Support for Running the NetSuite Integration for a Workflow Group

Run the NetSuite<>OpenAir integration for a specific group of integration workflows from your scheduled scripts.

OpenAir NetSuite Connector lets you create workflow groups to include only the integration workflows you need in each scheduled integration run. For more information about workflow groups, see OpenAir NetSuite Connector Guide.

You can now trigger the integration to run for a specific workflow group from your user scripts using the NSOA.NSConnector.integrateWorkflowGroup(name) function.

The NSOA.NSConnector.integrateWorkflowGroup(name) function:

For more information, see OpenAir User Scripting Guide.

Changes to OAuth 2.0 Token Validity

Extended refresh token validity range and access token validity dependency on session timeout.

Tokens Lifetime selection on the application configuration page.

Tokens Lifetime selection on the application configuration page.

Changes to OpenAir REST API

Read the list of projects, read a project, delete a receipt, or delete multiple expense attachments using the OpenAir REST API.

New Endpoints and Methods

The following methods are available:

The Filtering, Pagination and Expansion features are supported when working with Projects using the REST API.

Support for Deleting Multiple Expense Attachments

You can delete multiple expense attachments using the following methods:

Removal of Attachments Endpoints

The /attachments/{id} and /attachments/{id}/download endpoints have been removed from OpenAir REST API.

To work with attachments, use the endpoints and methods specific to the object the attachments are associated with.

Ability to Read and Modify the Billing Rule Customer PO Cap Using OpenAir XML API and SOAP API

Read or modify the cap_by_customerpo field in the project_billing_rule table using OpenAir XML API and SOAP API.

You can only read or modify this field if all the following conditions are met:

The cap_by_customerpo attribute is also listed in the Scripting Center SOAP Explorer.

Note: The Portfolio Projects and Subordinate Projects and Single Billing Cap Across Multiple Subprojects Within a Portfolio Project optional features must be enabled for your account to use this feature.

For more information about portfolio projects, subprojects and using a billing rule cap based on a Customer PO across multiple projects within a portfolio project, see Portfolio Projects and Subordinate Projects and Single Billing Cap Across Multiple Subprojects Within a Portfolio Project.

Ability to Read and Modify the Billing Rule Project Task ID Using OpenAir XML API and SOAP API

Read or modify the project_task_id field in the project_billing_rule table using OpenAir XML API and SOAP API.


Business Intelligence Connector

Changes to Publishing Reports to OpenAir OData Service

Publish OpenAir reports for use with OpenAir User Scripting only or with OpenAir NetSuite Connector, and refresh your published reports automatically up to twice a day.

Scope of Use

When publishing a report manually to the OpenAir OData Service or configuring OpenAir to publish or refresh a report automatically according to a defined schedule, you can choose a scope of use. The following options are available.

You can read data from all published reports in your user scripts. When using the NSOA.report.list() user scripting function to read the list of published reports, each item in the list has an additional property: PublishType — The scope of use specified for the published report.

Note: Publishing a report for use with Business Intelligence Connector is the same as the functionality available in previous releases. The ability to publish a report for use with NetSuite Connector, or for use with User Scripting only is new in the October 2021 OpenAir release.

Additional Scheduled Refresh Time for Published Reports

You can configure OpenAir to refresh each published report automatically twice on the same day, and specify the times for each refresh. This option is only available if the OpenAir Business Intelligence Connector feature is enabled for your account, and only for reports published to the OpenAir OData service.

Report schedule settings popup window.

Report schedule settings popup window.

Note: OpenAir Business Intelligence Connector is a licensed add-on. To enable this feature for your account, contact your OpenAir account manager.


NetSuite Connector

Custom Export of OpenAir Reports to NetSuite

Send OpenAir report data to NetSuite and view your project metrics alongside other KPIs in NetSuite.

Note: Custom export workflows to export OpenAir published report data to NetSuite require the following features to be enabled for your account:

If the OpenAir Business Intelligence Connector feature is enabled for your account, you can publish OpenAir reports to the OpenAir OData service for the purpose of exporting your OpenAir report data to NetSuite. You can configure OpenAir to refresh your published report data according to a defined schedule. See Changes to Publishing Reports to OpenAir OData Service.

After you publish a report to your OpenAir OData feed for access by OpenAir NetSuite Connector, you can create a custom export workflow to export data from your OpenAir published report to a custom record type in NetSuite.

Important: The following guidelines apply when publishing a report for export to NetSuite using NetSuite Connector:

You can add this custom export workflow to workflow groups and include them in your scheduled integration runs, or when running the integration manually.

To create a custom workflow to export OpenAir published report data to NetSuite:
  1. In NetSuite, create a custom record type and custom fields to store the published report data exported from OpenAir.

    Note: Use a naming convention for custom record types that will hold OpenAir published report data for ease of identification and use. For example:

    • Use the prefix OpenAir: followed by the name of your OpenAir report for the custom record type Name, such as OpenAir: Project Financial Analysis.

    • Use the prefix customrecord_oa_ followed by the name of your OpenAir report for the custom record type ID, such as customrecord_oa_project_financial_analysis.

  2. In OpenAir, go to Administration > NetSuite Connector > Mappings.

  3. Click the Tips button, then Synchronize NetSuite custom fields to ensure all the NetSuite custom records and custom fields are available for mapping.

  4. Click New workflow then Custom Export. The Custom workflow popup window appears.

    Custom export workflow settings popup window

    Custom export workflow settings popup window
  5. Enter a Workflow name — the value must be up to 40 characters long and must contain only alphanumeric or underscore characters.

  6. Enter a Display name up to 80 characters long.

  7. Select “[Custom Record]” from the NetSuite record dropdown list and select the NetSuite custom record type from the Specify dropdown list. You cannot export OpenAir published report data to a standard record type in NetSuite.

    Important: It is not possible to have two active custom workflows exporting to the same custom record type in NetSuite. If you select a NetSuite custom record type that is already used for an active custom export workflows, an error appears and the new custom export workflow is not saved.

  8. Select “[Published Report]” from the OpenAir record dropdown list, and select the OpenAir published report from the Specify dropdown list.

  9. Choose the Integration method:

    • Create Only — The workflow creates but does not update the published report data. The workflow can only run once. If you create another custom export workflow exporting OpenAir published report data to the same NetSuite custom record type using the Create Only Integration method and run this workflow, this new custom export workflow will create new records in NetSuite.

    • Replace All — The workflow deletes all records exported previously by this workflow, then creates new records with the latest OpenAir published report data. If you have another custom export workflow exporting OpenAir published report data to the same NetSuite custom record type, the records created by that other workflow are not deleted.

  10. Click Save.

  11. Click New workflow then click the display name of the custom export workflow you created. The custom export workflow is added to the list.

  12. Select the custom export workflow from the list of workflows to show the field mappings for this workflow. Custom export workflows are listed after built-in workflows.

  13. Edit the field mappings as per your integration requirements.

    • OpenAir published report column names are listed in the OpenAir field column in the mapping definition table.

      Important: Review the following guidelines:

      • Special characters in the OpenAir published report column names are escaped in the name used to reference the column. When creating reports, ensure the column names will not result in duplicate field names for mapping purposes. If there are any duplicate field names, OpenAir NetSuite Connector appends a number to the field names (‘_1’, ‘_2’, ‘_3’) to avoid errors when running the integration workflow.

      • Advanced mapping does not currently support OpenAir published report columns. You cannot reference OpenAir published report columns in your advanced mappings.

    • You can use the filter builder to define filter conditions for your custom export workflow. See Filter Builder.

Filter Builder

You can use the new filter builder to define filter conditions for custom export workflows exporting OpenAir published report data to a custom record type in NetSuite.

The filter builder popup window appears instead of the standard filters text box when you click Filters on the Mapping tab.

  1. Type any characters to filter the list of fields available. Click the field you want to filter by.

  2. You can view your filter conditions as you build them in the main panel. Click a field, a relational operator, logical operator, or other syntax element to insert it.

  3. Use comparison and logical operators and other syntax elements to define and combine your filter conditions.

    • Available comparison operators: = (equal to), != (not equal to), > (greater than), < (less than) , >= (greater than or equal to), <= (less than or equal to).

    • Available logical operators:

      • AND — All the conditions separated by AND must be true for the expression to be true.

      • OR — One of the conditions separated by OR must be true for the expression to be true.

      • LIKE — The first operand must match a pattern defined by the second operand. The pattern can include wildcards: an underscore (_) is a substitute for one character, a percentage symbol (%) is a substitute for any number of characters. For example, User LIKE '_o%n' matches all values with 'o' in the second position and ending with 'n'.

      • IN — The first operand is equal to one of a comma-separated list of values. The list is between an opening and closing parentheses. For example: User IN ('John','Jon','Jonathan','Gordon').

      • BETWEEN — The first operand must be within a given range. The range is defined by a begin value and end value separated by AND. Begin and end values are included in the range. Values can be numbers, text or dates. For example, Age BETWEEN '18' AND '65' is equivalent to Age >= '18' AND Age <= '65'.

      • NOT — The conditions preceded by NOT must be false for the expression to be true. Can be used with operators LIKE, IN, and BETWEEN to exclude values matching a pattern, in a list, or within a given range. For example, Age NOT BETWEEN '18' AND '65' is equivalent to Age < '18' AND Age > '65'.

    • Other syntax elements:

      • () — Parentheses must be used to define a list of values. Parentheses can also be used to modify operator precedence.

      • '' — All values and patterns must be contained within a pair of single quotation marks.

  4. Click OK to validate your filter conditions against any syntax error and save your filter conditions if valid.

Note: The filter builder lets you define the WHERE clause in a SELECT statement to retrieve just the relevant information from your published report data.

The filter builder is currently only available for custom export workflows exporting OpenAir published report data to a custom record type in NetSuite.

Filter builder

Filter builder

Custom Export Workflow Enhancements

Custom export workflows support advanced mappings and have a built-in autorecovery feature in case the export process is interrupted.

Advanced Mappings for Custom Export Workflows

You can set up advanced mappings for custom export workflows in a similar way to advanced mappings for standard workflows.

Note the following differences between advanced mappings for custom export workflows and for other integration workflows:

Built-In Autorecovery Feature

Custom export workflows have a built-in autorecovery feature in case the export process is interrupted.

The autorecovery feature prevents the creation of duplicated records by identifying records included for export in the interrupted integration run, and verifying if the record was already exported to NetSuite. If the record exists in NetSuite, OpenAir NetSuite Connector updates the exported record in OpenAir. Otherwise, the record will be exported again.

Note: The built-in autorecovery feature is only available for custom export workflows exporting OpenAir records to NetSuite. It is not available for custom export workflows exporting published report data to NetSuite.

Support for Custom Exports to Contact Records in NetSuite

You can now create a custom export workflow and select Contacts as the NetSuite record type. This enables you to create new contact records in OpenAir and export them to NetSuite using a custom export workflow.

Increased Maximum Number of Custom Export Workflows

You can now have up to 4 active custom export workflows at any one time by default. This was limited to two previously. After your reach the limit, you can create additional custom export workflows but you can not activate them.

The OpenAir NetSuite Connector administration setting shows the maximum number of active custom export workflows authorized. To review your requirements, and increase the maximum number of active custom export workflows accordingly, contact OpenAir Customer Support.

Note: Custom export workflows are only available if the New NetSuite Connector UI is enabled for your account. To enable this feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.

For more information about custom export workflows, see OpenAir NetSuite Connector Guide.

Custom Export Workflows Settings

You can now view the settings for your existing custom export workflows and get a reminder of the following details:

The settings are read-only and cannot be edited.

To view the settings for an existing custom export workflow:
  1. In OpenAir, go to Administration > NetSuite Connector > Mappings.

  2. Select the custom export workflow from the list of workflows. The mapping definition table for this workflow appears in the right pane.

  3. Click Settings. The custom workflow popup window appears showing the setting details for the workflow as read-only information.

Viewing custom export workflow settings

Viewing custom export workflow settings

Changes to the Exported Record Autorecovery Feature

Prevent duplicate timesheet and time entry exports when the integration run is interrupted.

The Autorecovery feature prevents the creation of duplicated records by identifying records included for export in the interrupted integration run, and verifying if the record was already exported to NetSuite. If the record exists in NetSuite, OpenAir NetSuite Connector updates the exported record in OpenAir. Otherwise, the record will be exported again.

The Autorecovery feature is now available for timesheet exports.

To enable the Autorecovery feature for timesheet and time entry records exported to NetSuite:
  1. In OpenAir, do one of the following:

    • If the Redesigned OpenAir User Experience is enabled for your account, go to Administration > NetSuite Connector.

    • Otherwise, go to Administration > Global Settings > Integration: NetSuite.

  2. Click the Tips button then NetSuite Connector administration. The NetSuite Connector administration form opens.

  3. Under Autorecovery, check the Verify timesheet export box.

  4. Click Save.

Important: To use the Autorecovery feature, you must update NetSuite bundle 2851– NetSuite OpenAir SRP Integration to version 2.09 or later.

Real-Time Import Validation

Additional validation and a temporary record lock prevent the creation of duplicate records in OpenAir when importing a record from NetSuite to OpenAir using the real-time integration.

Previously, there was a requirement for OpenAir: Send Record to OpenAir to be last in the script running order for all relevant scripted records in NetSuite. If an afterSubmit script called after OpenAir: Send Record to OpenAir modified the record in NetSuite, this caused the real-time integration process to be triggered again before the previous process finishes, resulting in the creation of duplicate records. NetSuite account administrators needed to verify the script running order after any bundle update in NetSuite.

OpenAir NetSuite Connector now checks for any processes already importing the record and locks the record until the import process completes so the same record cannot be imported by more than one process at the same time. This removes the script running order requirement and prevents the creation of duplicate records in OpenAir.

NetSuite Connector Settings History

View the history of integration configuration changes using the OpenAir NetSuite Connector Settings History page.

To view the NetSuite Connector Settings History page, go to Administration > NetSuite Connector, click the Tips menu, then View history settings.

The history settings page opens in a new browser tab or window. It uses the redesigned user experience list view layout and features. The list shows audit trail information transformed for better readability.

Note: A simple change can create multiple rows in the settings history. For example, adding a workflow to the list of workflows also adds rows changes for all the mapping groups and mapping definition rows created when adding this workflow.

The audit trail information shown on the NetSuite Connector Settings History in this OpenAir release is not fully optimized for readability and will be refined in a future release. For more information about reading the settings history list view, see OpenAir NetSuite Connector Guide.

The list view can include the following columns

OpenAir NetSuite Connector settings history list view.

OpenAir NetSuite Connector settings history list view.

Changes to NetSuite Connector Health Check

Verify your integration configuration follows the latest recommendations and click each recommendation to learn more.

The NetSuite Connector health check verifies if the following recommended features are enabled:

If you are an account administrator, or if you have the View Help Center role permission, you can click each recommendation to view the relevant help content in the OpenAir Help Center. The OpenAir Help Center opens in a new browser window or tab and takes you directly to the relevant help topic.

NetSuite Connector health check recommendations link to the relevant help topics in OpenAir Help Center.

NetSuite Connector health check recommendations link to the relevant help topics in OpenAir Help Center.

Changes to NetSuite Connector Administration Form

View online help for each NetSuite Connector administration setting.

If you are an account administrator, or if you have the View Help Center role permission, you can click each setting on the NetSuite Connector administration form to view the relevant help content in the OpenAir Help Center. The OpenAir Help Center opens in a new browser window or tab and takes you directly to the relevant help topic.

SuiteTax Compatibility

Integration workflows exporting invoices and credit notes from OpenAir to NetSuite, and OpenAir expense reports as NetSuite vendor bills are compatible with SuiteTax.

The following workflows are compatible with the NetSuite SuiteTax feature:

Important: Review the following guidelines:


System Integration

OpenAir Exchange Manager 5.2.0

A new version of OpenAir Exchange Manager is available.

OpenAir Exchange Manager version 5.2.0 includes:

OpenAir Integration Manager 6.5.2

A new version of OpenAir Integration Manager is available.

OpenAir Integration Manager version 6.5.1 includes:

A previous version of OpenAir Integration Manager (version 6.5.1, released June 16, 2021) included the following enhancements:

Coming Soon · OpenAir Mobile 4.0

OpenAir Mobile 4.0 will be released simultaneously for iOS and Android devices in the last quarter of 2021. This version includes new functionality that optimizes the way you work with expenses.

Redesigned Expenses Module

OpenAir Mobile 4.0 lets you log business expenses easily on the move with an intuitive new design.

Other Enhancements

Note: OpenAir Mobile users will be informed of the new release through the App store (iOS) and Google Play store (Android).

Expense report screen, Receipt screen, Attachments tab and image editing screens in OpenAir Mobile.

Expense report screen, Receipt screen, Attachments tab and image editing screens in OpenAir Mobile.


Service Changes Impacting Infrastructure

Deprecation of www.openair.com Generic Domain for Integrations and Add-On Services

Usage of the generic domain www.openair.com for integrations and add-on services is deprecated and will be removed in the April 2023 OpenAir release.

As announced in the October 2019 and April 2020 OpenAir Release Notes, all connections to your OpenAir account should now use your account-specific domain.

Effective with the April 2023 OpenAir release, usage of account-specific domains for integrations and add-on services will be enforced for all accounts. After April 2023, integrations and add-on services will no longer be able to access OpenAir using the generic domain www.openair.com.

Important: Ensure you update all connections to use your account-specific domain before the April 2023 OpenAir release.

The URL for OpenAir services includes the domain for your OpenAir account <account-domain>. It may also include the specific path for the OpenAir service you are accessing <service-path>.


The following table lists URLs used for account integrations and add-on services:

Integration / Service


OpenAir OData feed — reports

OpenAir OData feed — list views



OpenAir SOAP API requests


OpenAir XML API requests


NetSuite Single Sign-on (SuiteSignOn)

NetSuite<>OpenAir real-time integration SuiteSignOn record


OpenAir Exchange Manager

OpenAir Integration Manager

OpenAir Integration Manager shortcuts

OpenAir OffLine

OpenAir Outlook Connector

OpenAir Project Connector


Note: OpenAir Mobile users do not need to update their connection settings on the app if OpenAir Mobile 2.3.2 (Android), 2.6.7 (iPhone) or a later version is installed on their device.
